James Ignatowich Newsletter

The Third Edition

Learning How to Hit Different Types of Resets

Resets out of the Air vs. Resets off the Bounce in 1 minute

Positioning your feet to ensure solid contact

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Hot Take 🔥

You should hit your drives at only 70% power

Hitting a 70% pace drive is more effective than “going for broke” on the drive. You shouldn’t be trying to hit it as hard as you can.

I used to hit every drive almost as hard as I could. Some of them would go out while others would get “saved” by my opponent hitting them. As I went up in level, most of my drives wouldn’t really be that effective. If you’re a 3.0 - 3.5 and you’re able to hit a drive with a lot of power, by all means - do it. On the other hand, if you’re playing against higher level competition, the sheer power of your drive is probably NOT going to be difficult for them to react to. After all, drives are typically hit from well behind the kitchen line. Rarely will you surprise a higher level player with the pace of your drive.

To the contrary, I’ve had significantly more success hitting drives at 70% of my full power, or even less. I’ll aim these drives to land at around 5 feet past the kitchen line. Or, almost directly in between the kitchen line and the baseline. Hence, if you ever miss a drive deep, your head is not in the right place - or you missed your target by about 10 feet. Let’s just go with “your head wasn’t in the right place.”

The best drive is designed to hit your opponent in between the ground and the height of their knees, as they are on their way forward after a return. This drive will force the opponent to “hit up” on the ball. As a result, a drive that is low and dipping at 70% power is much more “crashable,” meaning your partner can poach off of it more easily. Additionally, since this drive is slightly slower, it gives your partner more time to track and read how to successfully poach off of it. In contrast, a full power drive will often move too quickly for your partner to get a good read on the crashing potential of it. A hard drive will also likely meet your opponent above their hip height. I’ll ask you this question - do you feel more comfortable hitting a 4th shot volley from your ankles or above your hips? The answer is above your hips.

So to recap, a 70% pace, low, topspin drive is more effective than a near 100% pace drive because 1) it gives your partner a better opportunity to effectively poach off of it, 2) there’s less risk of missing long, and 3) it will force your opponent to “hit up” on their 4th, drastically increasing the probability that they “pop the ball up.”

The Mid-court Reset: Should You be Using 1 or 2 Hands? 🤷‍♂️

Staying low is everything on these shots!

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Featured Pro Tip: Dylan Frazier

Read below to learn from a top 3 ranked pro

Hesitation Dinking

What is the hesitation dink? The hesitation dink is shot generally used from the kitchen line where a player acts like they are going to speed the ball up and then hits an aggressive dink to their opponent. This can be a good tool to get your opponent off balance and to get ahead in the dink rally. It is also good to add to your arsenal as another shot that can be used on attackable balls to keep your opponent guessing.

To execute this shot, you have to sell the speed up to your opponent. You want them to believe the ball is coming fast to cause them to tense up. A good way to do this is to over exaggerate your body movement forward and then move your paddle very quickly right up to the ball. At this point, your opponent has reason to believe the ball is being sped up. Now, at the last second, slow your swing speed down to hit a dink to your opponent, sort of letting your paddle lag behind your body which should be moving forward to sell the speed up.

A good place to target is to the left or right of your opponent to make them have to move a little once they regain their balance. If they took the bait, your opponent is now in a difficult position to hit a dink, allowing you to punish them for a high dink or just take control of the dink rally.

See You Next Week!


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