James Ignatowich Newsletter

The 20th Edition

Simple drills with a concrete focus

Drilling like the pros - the dink game 🎥

Finding the right opportunity to attack 💥

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Frequently Asked Questions 🚨

  1. How do I get more power on my backhand counter?

My main advice is actually a little counter intuitive (pun certainly intended). Don’t try to hit it that hard! When your main focus is on power, you tend to tighten up and muscle the ball. This is fine when you’re seeking to create pace, but generally the speedup being hit to you has all the pace you need.

The most important thing is to stay loose with your arm, and make contact out in front of you. No one hits their most powerful counters close to their body. The best counters are hit almost on accident, from purely timing the ball right (which you can do more consistently with the nice short swings I always talk about). So don’t focus on the pace of your counter directly, focus on the above and a powerful counter will be the result.

  1. What is your strategy for dinking placement?

As I’ve said before, the most important part of the serve is getting it deep. When I’m serving I’m thinking of a really aggressive shot to a big target. By big target, I mean no closer than 2-3 feet from the lines. I’m at the point where I know most of my opponents, and what their weaknesses are, so I try to find them when I can. If I’m playing someone new, I’ll mix it around a little to try and find a weak spot. Don’t be afraid to target your opponents stronger return from time to time to prevent them from cheating over to a certain side. Also, DON’T OVERLOOK the body serve. If you can crush it deep right at their feet, it’s really hard for the returner to get out of their own way and also get momentum towards the net. This is the best serve against someone who doesn’t have a glaring weakness.

Attacking cross-court out of the air 💪🏽

Easier than down the line 🤷‍♂️

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Clinics in Knoxville 8/19 🚨

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