James Ignatowich Newsletter

The 19th Edition

Use Geometry to Get to the Net 🧐

How to Get Into The Net vs. Bangers 🎥

Use the entire court to your advantage 💪

⬆️ Click The Video Above ⬆️

Frequently Asked Questions 🚨

  1. How do you know when to back off of the kitchen line

Backing off of the kitchen line is determined by a few different factors. The most immediate factor that determines whether or not we back up, or "step off" of the kitchen line is the height of the ball that we hit to our opponents. In other words, how bad of a "pop-up" did we give to our opponent? If you feel that the ball coming off of your paddle is not ideal and you know that this ball is going to be sped up, take a step back and get ready for the ball.

Another way to determine when to step off of the line or if you should stay put, is whether or not your opponent has an open or closed paddle face. If their paddle face is open, this means that they can’t speed up the ball. You should be looking to take advantage of this and lean in to try to take the ball out of the air. On the other hand, if they have a closed paddle face, this means that they may speed the ball up. This would be a time where you could take a step off of the line and prepare for an attack.

  1. When is the right time to “slide”?

“Sliding” is when you shift your body to the outside of the court while you are at the kitchen line. For example: if I am a right handed player and I am playing on the right side of the court, “sliding” would mean that I move my body to the right in order to hit a backhand counter. Players do this to give themselves a better look at an incoming ball. There are a few occasions when sliding can be beneficial to the player.

The first instance would be if the ball lands near the sideline at the kitchen. The person in front of the ball can slide in order to cover the line better. Another good time to slide is when it looks like your opponent will speed up the ball. Instead of having to decide whether or not to hit a forehand or a backhand, sliding allows you to pick one shot and stick with it. For example, if you are a right handed player playing the right side of the court, you would slide to your right in order to hit a backhand counter off of a speedup from your opponent.

Forehand vs. Backhand Erne 🏆

Here’s how you decide 🎬

⬆️ Click The Video Above ⬆️

🚨 New Instagram Coaching Page 🚨


FU FREEMAN Upcoming Clinic 🚨

What to expect: Find out below ⬇️


What you can expect at a clinic:

At these clinics we work on a variety of different shots. We’ll focus on technique and proper positioning, as well as strategy and the mental side of the game. If you are looking for coaching or want to improve your game, check out this upcoming clinic!


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