James Ignatowich Newsletter

The 17th Edition

Backhands and Movement

When To Put 2 Hands on The Paddle 🔥

Learn the “Lift Dink” 🎥

⬆️ Click The Video Above ⬆️

Frequently Asked Questions 🚨

  1. Why do you split step so much?!?!

There are actually several reasons for why I split step so much, but the most important reason is it helps me loosen up on the court and increase my reaction time. When I first started playing I didn’t split step as much, but I found that having tension in your legs constantly helps relieve some of the tightness in your arm when hitting a shot. Another important reason is positioning - I’m able to get in better position to disguise shots at the kitchen which is important for my gamestyle. I also think always being alert like this helps me generally react quicker to faster situations, but I wouldn’t try telling JW Johnson that. My footwork also gives me something to think about - if I get nervous I just focus on my feet!

Is open or closed stance better?

Open stance is always preferred over closed stance, especially at the kitchen. If you are constantly hitting closed stance it means you are turning your back on a certain section of the court, which will limit the locations of speedups you can successfully hit. If you speedup with your foot in the kitchen, or even sideways at all, you don’t have enough time to get your foot back around and be ready for the next shot. When your open stance, you’re already on balance for the next ball. Obviously it’s impossible to get to a ball with an open stance every time, but in general having a wide and open base is better than being closed.

The Best Backhand Speedups 🏆

Focus on having an open stance 🎬

⬆️ Click The Video Above ⬆️

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Best Pickleball Drills To Improve ⬇️

  1. Transition Games

In this game one person starts at the net while the other starts at the baseline. The person at the net feeds a cooperative ball to the person at the baseline. After this, the point is played out, and the person at the baseline tries to transition into the net. We have found this game to be SUPER helpful when working on the soft game such as drops and resets. It is important that the person at the net is NOT letting the person at the back come up easily. The person at the net should be hitting HARD and DEEP balls, trying to make it hard on their partner. This is a great drill to emulate real match situations and work on a bunch of different shots.

  1. Dink Games

Everyone’s favorite game. This game is very simple. One person does a dink feed, the opponent dinks back and then anything goes. You can speedup, you can erne, ATP, whatever you want. Personally, we don’t lob in this drill because we are working on realistic dinking and speedups, but to each their own. While doing this drill, it is important to play exactly like you would play in a real match. If you are practicing bad dinks, they will likely show up in gameplay. This game can be played 1v1, 2v2 or 2v1.


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