James Ignatowich Newsletter

The Fifth Edition

Focus on Specific Shots to Improve Fast 💨

How to move after resets in 1 minute

Wait to see if your reset is high or low!

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Hot Take 🔥

Only practice 1-2 specific shots per drilling session!

Get the most out of your drilling by focusing on no more than 2 shots per practice session. 

I’ve seen a lot of drilling at this point. I’ve also done a lot of drilling. Most players seem to go out there and drill to work on every shot for 10 minutes at a time. I’m here to tell you that to make the most out of your practice sessions, focus intensely on one or two specific facets of the game for extended periods of time, instead of just dipping your toes into the water of each shot. I’ve gotten more out of drilling sessions where I’ve spent a full hour focusing only on dinking, or a full hour dedicated solely to resets. 

This level of commitment to a singular shot during a drilling session is where real improvement happens. I’ve found that when I focus hard, and keep it simple with just one or two shots, I can really enter a flow state and focus hard on what it will take to fine tune that particular shot. This has been where true improvement happened for me when I was improving leaps and bounds as a 4.5, or now, where I’m just fine tuning my game and improving in smaller increments.

It’s really as simple as that, for this week's tip. Get out there for an hour and focus on no more than two parts of the game. Whether that be dinks and 3rd shot drives, drops and serves, or whatever you feel the need to work on. The 1-2 shots that you choose are not what matters here. What matters is that you keep it concise, and focused on 1-2 specific shots.

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Featured Pro Tip: Tanner Tomassi


Third Shot Drops by Tanner ⬇️

A very underrated shot in pickleball is the 3rd shot drop. It’s interesting because most players use it just as a means of approaching the kitchen line. I like to take a different approach, and use it to get on the offensive before my opponents can. I do this by hitting an aggressive top spin drop aimed toward my opponents backhand. If I can get it to land in the kitchen, it often gives my opponents trouble and will lead to a popped up fourth ball.

Learning and understanding this concept will take your game to the next level. I like to have the “attack first” mentality and there’s no better way than setting the tone of the point with a sharp drop.

Keys to hitting the aggressive drop:

This shot may look fancy, but it’s not. It’s almost like a half drive half drop landing in the kitchen. It’s very important you have a dropped paddle head and strike the ball low to high, really utilizing your legs to get underneath of it. A common mistake is using your wrist to generate spin. You want to use your shoulder and paddle angle to make for the most consistent shot. Remember, your goal isn’t to hit a winner on the drop, the goal is to set up an easy next shot for your partner to poach.

🚨 For Daily Tips in under 60 seconds, Follow @tanner.pickleball on Instagram, Youtube or TikTok 🚨

See You Next Week!


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