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Defend deep dinks and Counter practice

Defending Deep Dinks and Counters 👑

Defend DEEP Dinks Like Dekel Bar

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Correct Counter Form 👌

Having good counter technique is extremely important if you want to improve your kitchen game.  The better your technique, the faster your hands will become, allowing you to stand closer to the kitchen line. Let’s go over the qualities of a good counter.

  1. Small Swing

    • The smaller you swing on your counter, the better it will be. You do NOT want to take a massive backswing on this shot. If you take your paddle behind your body, this means you will most likely meet the ball further back as well. You want a small, compact swing that goes towards the ball. Meeting the ball out in front is essential to a good counter.

  2. Keep The Elbow In

    • When you are hitting counters your starting position should include your elbow being locked into your body. The further away your elbow is, the harder it is to meet the ball in front.  You should also NOT be cheating forehand or backhand prior to your opponent hitting the ball. This will create opportunities for your opponents to “chicken wing” you. Make sure you are in a continental grip and go back to a centralized ready position every single time.

Want More Tips? Check Out This Page ⬇️

Drills To Improve Your Counter 🔥

  • This is a hands drill that we will do to improve our hands. If you watch the video you will see the first variation where one person speeds up the ball to their partners chest. One player works on their backhand counter while the first player works on their speedup and recounter. Although this is what we are demonstrating, there are unlimited variations to this drill. 

  • For example, you can hit a forehand speedup line, at the body or cross body. You can also hit backhand speedups in all the same directions.

⬆️ Check out this video on how to work on counters ⬆️


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